Full Wrathful/Cataclysmic Gladiator Gear & Weapons
Argent dawn commission, Magisters gloves, 2% mount speed (GF enchant), Blessed wizard oil, prenaxx event oil
Rare Transmog items: Full Tier 3 Frostfire set 8/8 T3 & No longer obtainable items 58lvl & T1 head hp enchant & T2 head Zg enchant & T2 shoulder Zg rep enchant
Titles: Ambassador, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Avenger of Hyjal, Bane of the Fallen King, Battlelord, Blackwing’s Bane, Bloodsail Admiral, Brawler, Brewmaster, Champion of the Frozen Wastes, Chef, Crashin’ Thrashin’, Crusader, Darkspear Revolutionary, Defender of a Shattered World, Delver of the Vaults, Destroyer’s End, Dragonslayer, Elder, Fire-Watcher, Firelord, Flame Keeper, Guardian of Cenarius, Hellscream’s Downfall, Jenkins, Liberator of Orgrimmar, Loremaster, Master of the Ways, Merrymaker, Patron, Professor, Salty, Savior of Azeroth, Seeker of Knowledge, Shado-Master, Starcaller, Storm’s End, Tamer, Twilight Vanquisher, Zookeeper, of Orgrimmar, of Sen’jin, of Silvermoon, of Thunder Bluff, of the Ashen Verdict, of the Four Wind, of the Horde, of the Nightfall, of the Undercity, the Argent Champion, the Astral Walker, the Beloved, the Crazy Cat Man, the Diplomat, the Exalted, the Explorer, the Fearless, the Flamebreaker.
Notable items: carrot on a stick, Eye of the beast, drakefire amulet, Glimmering Mithril Insignia, Signet of Expertise, Stormpike insiginia rank 6, Zandalarian Hero Charm, Sapphiron drape, Ward of the elements, Right binding, Finkles skinner, Scepter of celebras, Eternal Quintessence – old mc quest, Tabard of void, Bloodcaller, zg sword
(We can transfer this character on your own battle net account)
Full Wrathful/Cataclysmic Gladiator Gear & Weapons
Argent dawn commission, Magisters gloves, 2% mount speed (GF enchant), Blessed wizard oil, prenaxx event oil
Rare Transmog items: Full Tier 3 Frostfire set 8/8 T3 & No longer obtainable items 58lvl & T1 head hp enchant & T2 head Zg enchant & T2 shoulder Zg rep enchant
Titles: Ambassador, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Avenger of Hyjal, Bane of the Fallen King, Battlelord, Blackwing’s Bane, Bloodsail Admiral, Brawler, Brewmaster, Champion of the Frozen Wastes, Chef, Crashin’ Thrashin’, Crusader, Darkspear Revolutionary, Defender of a Shattered World, Delver of the Vaults, Destroyer’s End, Dragonslayer, Elder, Fire-Watcher, Firelord, Flame Keeper, Guardian of Cenarius, Hellscream’s Downfall, Jenkins, Liberator of Orgrimmar, Loremaster, Master of the Ways, Merrymaker, Patron, Professor, Salty, Savior of Azeroth, Seeker of Knowledge, Shado-Master, Starcaller, Storm’s End, Tamer, Twilight Vanquisher, Zookeeper, of Orgrimmar, of Sen’jin, of Silvermoon, of Thunder Bluff, of the Ashen Verdict, of the Four Wind, of the Horde, of the Nightfall, of the Undercity, the Argent Champion, the Astral Walker, the Beloved, the Crazy Cat Man, the Diplomat, the Exalted, the Explorer, the Fearless, the Flamebreaker.
Notable items: carrot on a stick, Eye of the beast, drakefire amulet, Glimmering Mithril Insignia, Signet of Expertise, Stormpike insiginia rank 6, Zandalarian Hero Charm, Sapphiron drape, Ward of the elements, Right binding, Finkles skinner, Scepter of celebras, Eternal Quintessence – old mc quest, Tabard of void, Bloodcaller, zg sword
(We can transfer this character on your own battle net account)